Monthly Archives: March 2021

January & February 2021


Davin turned 3!!! In the morning he had lots of fun playing with presents – he of course loved all the new trucks – big ones for outside from Nana & Papa and lots of lego ones from us and Grandpa Schollian & Mimi! And I think he likes the sit & spin and “wobble board” but I’m not sure they are worth the space they take up lol. The week before, we combined my office and the guest room, to empty out a room for the nursery; and we stole the dresser/changing table for the nursery room that Ben made for Davin 3 yrs ago. As a birthday present to Davin (and so he wouldn’t miss the dresser) Ben made him a chest and some awesome book shelves! It turned out beautifully! Davin was having too much fun with toys and so we didn’t have time that morning to do bumper cars, but tried it the next week – and of course Davin was super excited until it was time to get on and he decided it was too scary lol.

After nap we did a little get together with some of his friends. We couldn’t do an indoor jungle gym like last year, due to covid, but a couple of Davin’s neighborhood playgroup friends braved a cold day (well 45 is cold for my AZ blood lol) and met us at the field at the park – we shot off some rockets, the kids had a couple snacks, kicked balls around, and he loved the 3 balloon a friend brought! Then my cousin, her husband, & baby joined us for dinner and Davin was very excited about the truck cake!

We can’t believe Davin is 3 already! He is usually super sweet (with a decent dose of stubborn-ness and sass lol), wants to help and asks all the questions (but why?!?), and is a daddy’s boy (tho a little less extreme than the year he was one – he does want mommy to sing a bajillion bedtime songs & stories … trying to shorten that but Davin is winning still lol). Purple and sometimes pink are his favorite colors. He loves all things trucks & cars & vehicles, likes nanny share and home preschool and recognizes a few letters, potty trained back in April but still is in a crib and wears pullups for sleep. We ended pacis in September, and he still takes a 2 hr nap about 5 out of 7 days. My favorite Davinism he came up with is “I love you all the time!” <3 Also, “Don’t do that ever again!”… referring to us washing his hair lol.


We got all ready and tried to quarantine more than normal. Even tho her due date is 2/28 we thought baby girl would be here around Feb 17 (Davin was 11 days early)… But luckily for us she didn’t come that week as we had a huge snow storm. We didn’t get mail or really leave our street for the week of 2/14-2/20, but we did have some fun in the snow. It was the first real snow Davin has played in as we usually only get snow dustings that melt by noon. After Davin saw Dad try a sled (thanks to some awesome neighbors for letting us borrow and join in the fun!) he got brave enough to try it too! The first few days the snow was too icy, but we finally got some softer snow and made a snowman. Then by February 24th is was back in the 70s and so I took Davin to the zoo since I figured it might be a last chance for a Davin & Mom adventure before baby. Davin really wanted to ride the train so after a long 30-45 minute wait we did that for the 1st time and he was very excited to ride the caboose.