Monthly Archives: January 2019

December 2018_Month 11 & First Christmas

December 17 Davin turned 11 months old! He was sleeping thru the night about half the time by 10 months but then our Thanksgiving trip ruined it :(. But after being home a couple weeks he is sleeping through the night all the time!!! Early Christmas present for mom! He got a little bit of separation anxiety after our Thanksgiving trip – maybe the trip caused it or maybe just this age. He had a hard time going to bed and being left at daycare and was extra clingy at home but got over it after a couple weeks. He is still loving to eat just about everything and crawling all over! He loves Christmas music and likes to wave his hands and clap to it.  He’ll sit and turn in circles on his bum while waving about, very cute lol.  He’s pretty cute all the time except for diaper changes and getting wiped down after meals – he acts like that that is child torture !lol (= not lol). We saw that Petsmart had a Santa – no line, no $, and no kid germs lol – So mom figured we should try it out… Hopefully next year he likes him a bit more ;). Here’s some pics from the last month:

Davin&Lena4_Dec9 Davin&Lena2_Dec9 Davin&Lena_Dec9 Davin&Lena3_Dec9 Santa_ChristmasTraditions_OrChildTorture_Dec16 Friends_Dec16 SuperCute2_Dec19 SuperCute_Dec19


Christmas!!! We had a fun visit from my Aunt & Uncle and their dog from December 22-27. We visited lots of Christmas lights at Opryland & Cheekwood and Lena got so much love and play time.  We got Davin a kitchen set since he seemed sad we locked all the real kitchen cupboards. We thought the little phone would be his favorite since he loves our phones and remotes, but he loves the silverware most and carries it everywhere – especially to Lena’s bed. He also loves all the cars and noise making book he got from my family and “beary cute” outfit from our old nanny! It was very cute watching him and Lena open presents! And it was good to have a few days to chill at home since it was a pretty stressful semester.

Christmas_DavinDadyLena ChristmasRings ChristmasKitchen AnnualCatepillar Lena&Champ DonnaReedDavinLenaChamp2 DonnaReedDavinLenaChamp Opryland_Dec23 Cheekwood2_Dec26 Cheekwood_Dec26

DavinLovesHisSpoon_Dec28b BearyCute_Dec30