Monthly Archives: January 2016

Christmas 2015 PS




As I mentioned before we took family pics for the first time and made Christmas cards! But we were so busy with finals and then traveling to VA/MD and AZ we didn’t send them all out or get many friends’ addresses.  So if you didn’t get one and want one next year (or a now super late one this year) send me your address or leave it in a comment/”reply” here.




Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! And thanks to everyone who sent us cards!


Christmas 2015

Sadly our Christmas break is almost over but we had lots of fun with lots of friends and family!

First we went to VA/MD for the week of Christmas. We spent Christmas day with the Munyans (19 people this year! – 12/15 siblings!) which was lots of fun. We also had fun staying at Ben’s brother’s house and watching Jared&Jills 2 littles get excited about and open presents early in the morning! The Munyans still have the tradition of everyone getting everyone something but we gave a group gift of going to the Escape Game so we didn’t have to shop too much lol.

MunyanChristmasDay2 MunyanChristmasDay ChristmasDinner_19Munyans VandyMan_Ben Christmas3 Christmas2 Christmas Ben&niece Ben&Tey_ChristmasDay2015 ChristmasDress StarWarsFighter Niece&Nephew HeAskedFor$100 MunyanEscapeGame EscapeGame_TeamB EscapeGame_TeamA




We also spent 2 days up at my Grandmom&Grandpop Schollian; my dad recently moved to MD and it was good to see him too (and watched the new Star Wars with him:). We had the traditional Schollian family white elephant party (I think I got the best gift of Aunt Amy’s homemade jam & apple butter;).


SchollianParty2 Schollians

We had lots of fun with the Munyans & Schollians and even got to see a couple friends! And we got to brag that the weather was warmer than AZ ;-)… not the first t-shirt weather Christmas in VA we’ve had.

Then after just 1 day back home in TN, we flew to AZ to celebrate Christmas with my mom&stepdad on New Year’s Eve. My stepbrother has been working at the Phx Puzzle Room (same idea as the Escape Game we did with Ben’s family for Christmas in DC and Ben’s 30th bday in Nashville) and we got to do a game there (lots of fun but we missed Andrew!), went to the Arrogant Butcher restaurant, and opened presents :).

PuzzleRoom_wKyle PuzzleRoom

We also had a fun get together with the traditional Mexican food and pinata with my mom’s family, the Memmotts, and then after just 2 nights Ben took off to the AFA conference in San Francisco to present his paper and I stayed and hung out in AZ – went hiking, shopping, ate even more Mexican food (I think I ate at least 10 tamales :-/), and went to the aquarium. After Ben’s conference, he got to spend one night at his Grandma’s in Sacramento and then we flew back home to Nashville together!

Pinata2 Pinata Pinata_BrittnyTommy Ben&Tey MatchingSistas Afton&Sean ChelsTeyInsta Coco&Scotty Coco Chelseys3Dogs ChelsTeyHike MomTeyChelsHike Aquarium FishBubble Aquarium_ChelsTeyMom